Farsi Bibles Needed


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Farsi Bibles Needed

Can you help by purchasing a Farsi Bible for someone in Upper Room Church? We give away approximately 50 Farsi Bibles a year and still many others in English. By making a donation to the charity that supports the Upper Room Church (Christian Associates Network), you’ll be helping to share God’s Word.

Please follow the link to our donation page and indicate your desire for your donation to be directed toward our Farsi Bible project.  A Farsi Bible cost us approximately £10 and an English version £10.

The Christian Associates Network (SC036134) is a registered Scottish charity. Donations are thus eligible for gift aid for UK taxpayers.

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General Giving

Upper Room Church has various needs that you could help with. Here are a few ways you could support us:

  •  We often provide food (think food bank) when people in our community are in need
  •  Living on £35/week does not go far nor does it cover many essentials – such as clothing. Could you make a donation to help us buy a rain jacket or waterproof walking shoes?
  •  If you have fled your country, the only way you can keep in touch with your family in your home country is through your mobile phone. A phone top-up cost approximately £20 and lasts one month. We cannot stress how important seeing your wife, your child, or a parent is to our friends!


We want to stress, that while many of our community are in need, they are also very generous with their time and serving in the church. From cooking meals, cleaning before/after the gathering, helping translate, etc. Despite not being able to work and receiving a meagre living allowance from the government, they are also generous with the funds they do receive. First, we seek to find a way to support one another from within the Upper Room. When we are unable to meet the needs ourselves, we pray that others outside our community, after they have given to their local church, will consider supporting Upper Room and our community members.

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Bus Pass Ministry

Many people from our community are seeking asylum and to get to doctors appointments, meet with their solicitor, even to make their required bi-weekly signing in appointments with the Home Office, they will need to travel considerable distances. This is because when someone seeking asylum receives housing, it is often located on the outskirts of the city. Without a bus pass, they are placed under an enormous burden – walking in the rain or trapped in a very small radius. To help provide transport, some level of comfort, and even the opportunity to get to the Upper Room, we started the bus pass ministry.

The bus pass ministry:
  •  A 4-week bus pass – a cost of £52
  •  Practical assistance to members of our community who are in need
  •  Is a temporary solution – if someone is in college to learn English, they may receive a bus pass. We use this fund until we find long-term or more suitable transport options

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